Time Strategies
For this semester with it being my last semester at OU, it is particularly important to practice good time management skills when it comes to this class and my other classes as well. I work a full time job, and I have been working a full time job the entire time that I have been in college so I am used to saying that I am "too busy". The article by Tim Grahl called The Myth of "Too Busy" really caught my eye for this reason. The article brings up a good point that most of the time that we think we are busy, if we learned how to prioritize our time better, then we wouldn't be as busy as we think we are. I think that will be the key to success for this class. The Realistic Study Plans article by Amanda Collins is information that will be important to me during this semester. The biggest part of the article that I think will be useful is where it says "look at what needs to be done, and fully understand it". I can't wait until the last minute to do things. Although I go to work at 5:30am before class (my other classes) starts, I think I will try and use my down time at work to finish assignments. Working ahead will also probably benefit me in the long run, because the more I can work ahead in this class then the less work I will have in multiple classes at one time.
Hello again Emily! Congrats on graduating this semester! I also enjoyed Amanda Collin's reading! I am the worst about keeping a planner or really budgeting out my time. I am always on time for things and I make sure to study for tests, but I never feel like I have time for the gym or friends! I really want to work on not feeling as busy as I think I am so my last two semesters will be more enjoyable! I love the way this class is set up because it allows us to work ahead!