Feedback Thoughts
I’ve noticed that whenever it comes to feedback, it is really easy to feel as if it is criticism. I think it is easy to confuse the two. Whenever you are the person who is giving the feedback, you want to make sure that it is constructive feedback and doesn’t sound like you are saying negative things to or about something that person did. The good thing about receiving feedback is that whenever you hear something from an outside person, they can provide a different perspective than one that you have. In the Why It’s So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback article, it explains that a lot of people are reluctant to want to hear negative feedback but only because most people are bad at delivering feedback. The article states that we should deliver feedback openly and honestly but we should also receive feedback the same way. The article from Tiny Buddha stated: “Instead of brooding over setbacks, you begin treating each setback as a springboard for small helpful steps, accompanied by self-congratulation.” So if we can look at any feedback as a step forward instead of a setback, we can be better writers and better people overall.
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